In her previous life, Casey earned a PhD in political science and social science methodology. Her doctoral research was on grassroots peacebuilding, community trust, and transitional justice in rural Colombia. After her degree, she worked in public policy, helping to ensure research quality at a large non-profit in Washington D.C.
Now, Casey lives in a small town in Michigan and is a stay-at-home mom to her two boys, Cooper* (6) and William* (2). Much of her free time is spent thinking about and researching Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) so she can help both her sons thrive. Casey recently completed a professional training on supporting PDA children, teenagers, and adults and received a level II certification from the UK-based OCN-accredited organization, Positive Autism and Support (PAST). She is committed to the practice of non-violence in her parenting approach and is learning to be an ally and advocate for the neurodiversity movement. You can find out more about her coaching practice here.

Caitie is a certified Waldorf teacher and trained yoga instructor. She has over twelve years of experience teaching in both of these settings. In addition to teaching grades kindergarten through high school in Waldorf schools, she also led parent-child classes for ages infant through toddler. As a yoga instructor, she enjoyed designing classes and leading retreats with a focus on restoration and healing.
Caitie lives in Michigan with her husband, two children Rose* (6) and Danny* (3), and an adorable black lab, Sati (8 months). She is interested in integrating her background in Waldorf education and the alignment gained from yoga and meditation in order to support parents raising neurodiverse children, especially those who are PDA. Caitie recently completed a professional training on supporting PDA children, teenagers, and adults and received a level II certification from the UK-based OCN-accredited organization, Positive Autism and Support (PAST). In her few moments of spare time, Caitie writes creatively, pursues her art, or heads to the woods near her home with Sati.
(*Names have been changed to ensure anonymity)
We are two white, neurotypical, straight, cis women.
One of our highest goals is that the forum we are creating through our blog and podcast is a safe place, but we cannot unequivocally say “SAFE SPACE!” -- that is for each of you to decide.
When we’re falling short, or make mistakes, we welcome feedback. We are always learning, and value “calling in” and “calling out” when necessary.
We believe that Black Lives Matter.
We are strong allies to the LGBTQIA+ community.
We want to use our positions as mothers of neurodivergent children who have had to figure out so many things the hard way, to reduce struggle and heartache wherever possible.
We do not aim to speak for anyone other than ourselves.
We carefully and honestly share stories of our lives, changing names and certain details when necessary to protect the identities of those involved.
We invite your comments, reactions, certainly questions, and hope that this can be a conversation of sorts, as this whole experience becomes richer through connection and compassionate sharing.