One night she was talking about a show she loves.
“It's a good rhyme! ‘Molly of Denali!’... like ... Rose of Ridgemont Road!”
“Well, actually, ‘Rose’ and ‘Ridgemont Road’ are something else...”
I briefly explain alliterations.
“Oh yeah! Like ‘lovely lollipop lagoon!?’”
Today, she approached me with an idea
She needed
A scientist’s coat
Glasses (for safety)
Those little science containers
And gloves.
We might have those things around the house,
I’ll help you look.
While I
Attempt stalling for a moment
To contemplate my next move,
Her pleas intensify instantly.
I NEEED to get new science stuff!
I LOVE science more than anything in the world
And a scientist needs scientist stuff!
A scientist without science stuff is like ...
... a skunk without...its spray!
Oh please oh please oh please!!!!"
One night, she’s asking about how the first tree
Ever came about
If it came from a seed,
But how did the seed come about
With no tree
Was the first?!
One night she asks,
"Is the living room where you live
And the dining room where you
One day she says to my mom,
"Can you finish teaching me how to read,
Do math and tell time?
Then I will be able
To do everything
By myself."
One night she says,
"When I'm a Grandma, today will be the olden days... ... and I'll be like 'yeah... we used to have to drive around in cars, and fly in airplanes... that's how we had to get around... and we used to have to CARRY our phones around instead of having them built into our pants. ... yeah... it was so annoying, but I was used to it!'"